You and Your Guides "A Place Where Two Worlds Meet........"

What’s Inside

I found this short piece which I received earlier last year and think it is very apt when we are looking at ourselves and how we...


Is there a journey we all need to go on in this lifetime, a journey of wonder and fulfilment, a journey of adventure and excitement, a...

Further writings from Noola

This is some channelled writing that I received on 11th August 2015. It is from one of my Guides, ‘Noola’ who was quite a new guide...

Chariots of Fire

This is some channelled writing I received on 6th August 2015 from a new guide who was coming in to replace some of the guides that...


Space and time is merely a human construct to make things easier to understand for the majority of people.  It is nice to have a start...

Looking for Guidance

“This writing is taken from some that I received at the beginning of 2013” We are with you now to guide and help you with your...


“This is something that I wrote back at the beginning of 2013 and it still fits well with me now”. Today I am me, I am...


What is there in this world to see?  Look beyond that which is visible to your eyes and look into the reality of this realm we...


Nobody knows what is coming next as it is not in the now it is in the to-become.  This is how it used to be but...