Winter Solstice 2022

It’s that time of the year when we say goodbye to the old, as we wrap up so warm to keep out the cold.

The air is chilly and the cold winds blow, with frost on the ground we are hoping for snow.

The long dark nights will come to an end, and the daylight will stay longer like a old trusted friend.

In days way gone by our ancestors of old, would light up great fires to banish the cold.

They would give thanks to the earth for providing all year and bid it to rest until springtime draws near.

It was a time of reflection on the year that had gone, all the things they did right, all the things they did wrong.

They sat with all these around the warm winter fire and gave all old expectations their time to expire.

They looked forward to spring and the growth it would bring, some would be chanting and some they would sing.

Their voices raised high to lift up their souls as they sat and stared at the glowing fire’s coals.

The old year gone and the new to begin they let go of the old things to let the new beginings in.

Move forward this year with joy in your heart new wonders to see and new chances to start.

Whoever we are and whatever we do make sure that it includes plenty of love for you.

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