Solstice Morn 2022

Solstice morn so sunny and bright, as we’ve quickly passed through the shortest night.
The sun’s bright rays come shining down, to lift any doubt to brighten our frown.

On this longest day of the year we greet, with dew on the grass under our feet.
The birds in flight above the trees, dipping and diving up there in the breeze.

Take heed of their peace while they are up there soaring, take it on board on this wonderous morning.
Have peace in yourt heart and peace in your mind, still all your thoughts and to yourself be kind.

Although this day is the longest this year, all days are precious to those far and near.
Send your thoughts to loved ones and all who you know, send them your love with this bright sunshine’s glow.

As you go through this day look to your heart, because wherever we are we are never apart.

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